The Heath Historical Society
The Society has a number of publications for sale that are relative to Heath. They can be purchased at the Solomon Temple Barn during the Heath Fair in August, or ordered by mail or online (see below for additional information about online ordering.)
Available publications include the following:
1. Along the Mohawk Trail: A Feast of Fall Foliage and Spectacular Hill Towns. By David J. McLaughlin and Laren Bright. Pentacle Press, 2006. $10.00
2. Benedict Arnold: A Novel. By William J. Wolf. Paideia Pubs., 1990. $15.00
3. The Book of Heath: Bicentennial Essays. Susan B. Silvester, editor. Paideia Pubs., 1985. $10.00
4. Centennial Anniversary of the Town of Heath, Mass., August 19, 1885. Edited by Edward P. Guild. Advertiser Pub. Co., 1885. (Reprinted 2007). $15.00
5. The Christian Patriot: Some Recollections on the Late Col. Hugh Maxwell of Heath, Mass. Collected and Preserved by a Daughter. S.W. Benedict & Co., 1833. (reprinted 2007). $15.00
6. Descriptive Catalog of the Books and Periodicals in the Heath Historical Society Collection. By Margaret E.C. Howland. H.H.S., 1996. $8.00
7. The Heath Bicentennial, 1785-1985. Susan B. Silvester, editor. Paideia Pubs., (2007). $10.00
8. Heath Gravestone Records. Compiled by Newland Smith. 3rd printing, H.H.S., 1997. $15.00
9. Heath Historical Society Newsletter (annual). Free. The newsletter is published once a year in July. It is distributed to members of the society as a free information service. We welcome news items from our members. Send all correspondence to: The Heath Historical Society, P.O. Box 698, Heath, MA 01346.
10. Heath, Massachusetts: A History and Guidebook. By E. Calver. 3rd Edition. H.H.S., 2009. $30.00
11. The Line of Forts: Historical Archaeology on the Colonial Frontier of Massachusetts. By Michael D. Coe. U. Press of New England, 2006. $20.00
12. Martha’s People: Elmer, Ward, Rugg, & Allen Ancestors in Ashfield & Heath, Mass., 1750s to 1880s. By Judy Keller Fox. 2001.$10.00
13. Sesquicentennial Anniversary of the Town of Heath, Mass., August 25-29, 1935: Addresses, Speeches, Letters, Statistics. Edited by Howard Chandler Robbins. H.H.S., 1935. $7.00
14. A Snippet from the Greatest Generation: A Memoir. By David F. Howland. 3rd ed., 2010. $12.00
The Society has available a series of beautiful note cards depicting watercolor scenes of Heath, painted by local artist Frederick Burrington. A sixth-generation native of Heath, Fred has painted scenes from the surrounding area since 1984. He started painting landscapes, expanded to house portraits and agricultural scenes, and now works in oil and a range of water-based media. His artwork celebrates the landscape he has known his entire life.

Packet of five cards - $10.00 plus $1.30 shipping, ten cards - $16.00 plus $1.90 shipping.

Also available is the Patterns of Life Coloring Book, which includes patterns drawn from a variety of objects in our collection. $12/copy.

Coloring book image: Detail from cover of The Treatise on Insects Injurious to Vegetation given to all towns in Massachusetts to bring book “within the reach of most farmers who desire to possess it.” On the inside cover notes received by “A. Dickinson, Clerk, July, 1862.
Ordering Information
To order by mail, please send note specifying publication requested accompanied by check covering purchase price and shipping to: HHS, PO Box 698, Heath MA 01346. Requests for additional information regarding HHS publications may also be sent to this mailing address.
To order online, please use the contact form below. Payment may be made via PayPal or through the mail: please indicate your method of payment.*
*For purchases made with mail-in payment, publications will be sent out after payment is received and processed.
The Heath Historical Society is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.
We are primarily supported through donations and membership dues and through the sale of our note cards, coloring books, publications, etc.